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For questions or more information, contact our school nurse Teena Mosley at



  • Please complete and return form annually during your student’s first week of school to help us appropriately care for your child.

  • You will receive a hard copy of the student critical information form with your student’s new school year paperwork folder.

  • If your child has a life threatening condition/allergy, please notify the school nurse and any other staff members who will be in contact with your child.

  • Contact the school nurse if you need to schedule a conference to discuss details regarding the development of a health care plan for your child.

  • Please provide necessary updates that occur during the school year, either with contact numbers or your child’s health condition.




Medication Administration Guidelines

  • Medication must be delivered by the parent in the original container if it is an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine or a prescription bottle if it is a prescription medicine.

  • Students may not carry or self administer prescription or OTC medications while at school unless the medication is an emergency medication (Epi Pen, Inhaler, Insulin, or Glucagon) and a Self Carry Consent is on file, signed by the physician.

  • Please check expiration dates. School personnel will not give expired medications.

  • The school does not provide any medications, including ointments, creams, pain relievers, eye drops, etc. Any medication given at school must be provided by the parent/guardian.

  • A Medication Consent Form is required for all medication given at school.

  • A doctor’s signature and parent/guardian signature is required for all medication (Prescription or OTC) given daily, or on an “as needed” basis during school hours.

  • It is recommended that the parent brings the medication consent form with the medicine to the school health room. Faxed consents from parents and/or doctors are acceptable but not recommended. No medication can be delivered to the nurse by a student.

  • All medication consent forms are valid for the current school year. All medications must be picked up at the end of the school year, and resubmitted the next school year with an updated consent form.



All children entering Kindergarten or public schools for the first time are required to present the completed North Carolina Health Assessment Transmittal form on or before the first day of attendance. Health Assessments must be completed within one year prior to the student’s enrollment.

Immunizations & NC Health Assessment

As required by North Carolina Statues (G.S. 130-A-152 (a)), all Union Day School students must have a complete record of immunizations on file signed by a physician or bearing a physician’s stamp prior to the first day of school.  All children entering public school in North Carolina for the first time are required to present the completed NC Health Assessment Transmittal Form on or before the first day of attendance. Health Assessments must be completed within one year prior to student’s first day of school.  

Parents will be notified in writing when their child does not meet immunization requirements.  The law allows parents or guardians thirty calendar days from the first day of the child’s attendance to present the required up-to-date immunization records.  Upon termination of the thirty-calendar-day period, the child shall not be permitted to attend school until he or she provides a Certificate of Immunization as required by law.

Immunization Requirements

Immunization Requirements for Rising 7th Graders

Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine

Tdap (Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis) Vaccine 

Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine

Recommended Vaccines:

Influenza (Flu) Vaccine

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccine

Meningococcal B Vaccine

** To claim a religious exemption, the parent or guardian must write and sign a statement that includes:  their religious objection to the immunization(s), as well as, name and date of birth of student for whom the exemption is being requested.  

**To claim a medical exemption, the parent or guardian must submit a letter from a physician, who is licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina.  This letter must certify that the specified vaccine is detrimental to the student's health and include both the student's name and date of birth.


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