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Regular Morning Carpool: 7:35-8:05am — The faculty and staff assisting with morning drop off will indicate when students can begin exiting their cars

  • If you arrive between 8:06 - 8:10 am, please park and walk your child into the front lobby, you do not need to sign in on the tardy sheet if you arrive before 8:10.

  • Students arriving after 8:10 am will be marked tardy. If you arrive after 8:10, you must sign in on the tardy sheet in the reception lobby for the purpose of your child’s attendance record. If applicable, please hand any medical/dentist notes to front reception.



  • If you are picking your child up for early dismissal, please email your child’s teacher and copy Emily Campbell, our receptionist, at

  • If you are picking up for early dismissal, please park in spaces at the front of the school, do not park in the carpool drop off/pick up zone.

  • Please do not enter campus for regular carpool before 3 pm.

  • According to Union County Sheriff's Office any parent blocking traffic could face the possibility of being ticketed. Cars cannot wait to enter the property in our designated turn lane, you cannot pull over off the road onto the farm’s property (this is private property), and the surrounding neighborhoods are not areas to park and wait.



You must inform your child(rens) teacher(s) by email before 2pm if someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up your child(ren) in regular afternoon carpool

  • If this person is picking up your child for early release, you must also include in your email to the classroom teacher

  • If this person is picking up your child from After Care, you must also include in your email to your child(rens) teacher(s)

  • You must call the school to inform our receptionist of any changes to your child(rens) dismissal plan if you make those changes after 2pm



  • Please include Wakena Colon on any emails you send to a teacher regarding your child(ren)’s absences, including, if applicable, any digital doctor/dentist notes. Her email address is

  • If you send your child(ren) to school with a paper note excusing a prior absence, please instruct your child to turn it in to their classroom teacher

  • Any questions or concerns about attendance and absences should be directed to Wakena Colon at



  • When you email faculty with questions or concerns, please allow a 24 hour turnaround for a response

  • The UDS policy for contacting teachers is through UDS email or the school phone. Please note, classroom teachers are often unavailable to speak on the phone during the academic day. Teachers will not be corresponding via cell phones/text messages. The Bloomz App is also not to be utilized for instant messaging

  • If you need to get a message to your child’s teacher quickly, please call the school at 704-256-1494 and your message will be relayed to your child’s teacher

  • If you wish to meet with a faculty or staff member, you must schedule a meeting in advance via email/phone. The daily schedules of faculty and staff cannot accommodate parent/guardian walk-in requests for meetings



  • All visitor, volunteer, and field trip chaperone policies are listed under Parent Resources



  • All policies, information, and necessary forms relating to allergies, medication, illness, student medical information, and the nurse’s office in general, can be found under Parent Resources



  • If you would like to come and have lunch with your child, you must email their teacher the day before you plan to come. Your ID will be checked at the front desk and you will be issued a visitor badge. Lunch begins at 11:30 and ends at 12:00. You do not need to pass the volunteer background check to be able to have lunch with your child

  • If you are bringing outside food for lunch, please check with your child’s teacher to see if your class has food allergies

  • If you are eating with more than one child from different classrooms/grade levels, you may be asked to eat in a shared space, please be flexible about where you are directed to




Hello UDS,
Union Day School will use a new lunch program this year and we are excited to share with you the details!  Our students have a choice to either bring lunch from home or can order lunch through our offered lunch vendor. The menu is set up in an a la carte format.  
This year, UDS will use  “ The Lunch Basket” as our lunch vendor. The Lunch Basket is a family owned business, located in Matthews, NC.  They have been in service for 25 years and are currently serving seven schools in the Charlotte area and three schools in the Lancaster county area in South Carolina. The owner Danny Ziozios, has owned and operated multiple restaurants in North Carolina and South Carolina for the last 35 years.
For the first two weeks NEW students will need to bring a packed lunch, a water bottle, and snacks each day.  
If by chance you forget to pack your child’s lunch, we will provide your child with an alternative lunch for the day.  We are asking families not to send food for their child through any delivery services. This causes a disruption to the operation of the main office. 
The Parent Association will once again supply our wonderful volunteers that will organize and deliver lunch to each class in the Lower school and will be distributing lunch through the lunch window for the Upper school.  Our volunteers are preparing and gearing up to continue  providing this service to our students and we are so thankful for them.
Our lunch management will be through The Lunch Management system offers a safe and secure way to pay for student meals online from any browser using  It also provides parents and students the opportunity to discuss meal options and then pre order meals online. Please note, payments are made via credit or debit cards.  Please use the following link to begin ordering today -  We are asking families to order for 2 weeks at a time. You can also order for the month if you would like.  Once the ordering window is closed, you will not be able to order until the window is open again for the next 2 weeks.  All orders will need to be in by the second Sunday of each month by 8pm.  We will not be able to place same day orders. 



Parents and visitors must use the designated faculty bathrooms; they are not allowed to use student bathrooms. There are faculty bathrooms on the first and second floors; please ask a faculty or staff member to direct you to these bathrooms.



Spirit wear is 100% organized by our PTO. The Spirit Wear store opens to place batch orders and closes during designated windows to keep costs down. Please check the PTO Newsletter, which is also included in the Thoughtful Thursdays, to check when the spirit wear store is scheduled to open next. Staff and faculty will not be able to assist in answering questions/providing information about Spirit Wear, please contact the PTO with any inquiries.



Spirit Rock is opened for purchasing. 


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