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Union Day School Board Member Boyce Thies

Boyce Thies, Board Member

Mr. Thies is the President of Thies Realty & Mortgage Company. Thies has served two three year terms on the Alumni Governing Board of Charlotte Latin School; a three year term on the Board of the Young Affiliates of the Mint Museum; and, served as a Scoutmaster of Boy Scouts of America. Thies earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of South Carolina.

Union Day School Secretary Celeste Slay

Celeste Slay, Secretary

Ms. Slay is a founding Board member of Union Day School. As a certified personal nutritionist, Slay also serves as the school’s catered lunch liaison. Slay earned a Bachelor of Arts in Retail and Consumer Science from Marshall University.

Union Day School Chair Jim Lovell

Jim Lovell, Chair

Mr. Lovell is the CEO of Lovell-Smit and Associates. Lovell has served as the Beta Alpha Psi president at UNCC. He currently sits on the board of Gift of Adoption of the Carolina. Lowell holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of North Carolina Charlotte.

Union Day School Treasurer Joan Mazzu

Joan Mazzu, Treasurer

Ms. Mazzu is a founding Board member of Union Day School. She was the Founder and Owner of Informed Security Solution and the Founder and Senior Vice President of Marketing and Sales for Onsite Access. Mazzu has served as treasurer on numerous school boards. Mazzu received her Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of Maryland.

Union Day School Vice Chair Joely Lord

Joely Lord, Vice Chair

Ms. Lord is a founding Board member of Union Day School. Lord has served as a Girl Scout Leader, a mentor teacher, and a district literacy event chair. Lord received her Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education from Clemson University and a Masters from the University of South Carolina.

Union Day School Board Member Nikki Dragone

Nikki Dragone, Board Member

Ms. Dragone is a graduate of the University of Richmond with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with double concentrations in international business and marketing and a minor in Spanish. Most recently, Ms. Dragone was a senior director at TIAA in Charlotte.

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